Balance & Postural Stability Products
We manufacture Physical Therapy Equipment for improving balance, stability and posture. Balance & Postural Stability are important because “increasing proximal stability promotes distal mobility”. That is to say, we need our stability in order to have proper functioning and mobility in distal structures. That means to begin with, our arms and legs need a solid base and/or trunk support. Firstly, we need to make sure we’re stable at our proximal structures as in our core to be able to maintain being balanced. Secondly, the better we maintain that stability as we use our distal structures the better our arms and legs can perform. In conclusion, we must have good balance and stability to maintain good motion.
How do you improve balance and stability?
In short, to improve balance you need to practice using it because whatever you practice – you get better at. We offer equipment that challenges you and helps you take it to the next level. To improve balance & postural stability you need to increase strength, coordination and proprioception. In addition, you might need some stretching and to build up endurance. This takes practice, some commitment and having the right tools available.
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Home Exercise Programs - (HEP) Equipment-Maintenance Devices, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment
Balance Board – Circumduction
A balance board that strengthens ankles in all directions, challenges you to increase balance, motor skills and increase proprioception to higher levels.
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Home Exercise Programs - (HEP) Equipment-Maintenance Devices, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment
Balance Board – Rocker
The Rocker Balance Board is less aggressive than the Teeter Balance Board and offers smooth rocking balance board action for more controlled balancing during exercises.
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Home Exercise Programs - (HEP) Equipment-Maintenance Devices, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment
Balance Board – Teeter
The Teeter Balancing Board is more aggressive than the Balance Board – Rocker and requires more skill to keep up with the faster “teetering” action.
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment
Lift Box – Heavy Duty – Horizontal Bar – Large
This Lift Box -with added horizontal lifting bar- used for training proper lifting and carrying techniques has an open design and rounded corners allowing it to be comfortably held in…
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Home Exercise Programs - (HEP) Equipment-Maintenance Devices, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment, Physical Therapy Clinic Organization & Storage Systems
Physical Therapy Training Station – TKD Model#1101
Wall mounted grip options for stabilization in upright standing, posture, balance and/or dynamic movements. Convenient shelf for weights, Therabands, gait belt etc.
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment, Physical Therapy Clinic Organization & Storage Systems, Physical Therapy Clinical (Activities) Training & Progressive Measurements
Physical Therapy Training Station – TKD Model#1201
A handsomely designed, sturdy and practical training station with many grip angles which provides multiple options for upright standing, promotes posture, provides stabilization for balance and/or dynamic movements. Convenient storage…
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Home Exercise Programs - (HEP) Equipment-Maintenance Devices, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment, Physical Therapy Clinical (Activities) Training & Progressive Measurements, Shoulder Rehabilitation / Exercise Equipment
Resistance Band Exercise Station 7′ High
Great for the clinic or at home, this versatile 7′ high workout station quickly adjusts to the correct lever heights and proper resistance strengths for a wide range of…
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Home Exercise Programs - (HEP) Equipment-Maintenance Devices, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment, Physical Therapy Clinical (Activities) Training & Progressive Measurements
Slant Board – Professional Clinic Grade
For calf stretching, including drop-foot treatment as well as strengthening and training the gastric, soleus, hamstring and other lower extremity muscles.
Experience the unmatched stability on this Professional grade slant board…
Balance & Postural Stability Products, Home Exercise Programs - (HEP) Equipment-Maintenance Devices, Physical Therapy Clinic Equipment, Physical Therapy Clinical (Activities) Training & Progressive Measurements
Training Step Stool – Large
Stand assured on this top quality step training stool built for the physical therapy equipment market. This stepping exercise stool is constructed with custom lock-tight joinery on the corners and…